Monday 9 September 2013

How to Whiten Your Teeth.

Since most people wait until their teeth are yellow to start thinking about teeth whitening, you are already way ahead of the game. Tooth whitening has been in existence for some time, but what's the ideal way to get white teeth and preserve them?

In the event that you didn't know, there's much more to keeping your teeth white than a small amount of brushing and the once a year visit to the dentist. Follow these teeth do's and dont's and your teeth are sure to be white, sparkly, strong and healthy for a long time.

Tip #1- Avoid Carbonated Sodas and Other Drinks

Bubbly sodas filled with carbonation (along with sparkling water) can be a reason for your teeth to appear to be older than they truly are. All carbonated drinks are so strongly acidic that they can in fact break down the outermost layers of your tooth. They consist of high amounts of phosphorus - a mineral that can leach calcium from your bones overtime. Assuming you have a lot, these carbonated drinks can soften your jawbone, elevating the chance of tooth loss and yellowing.
Due to a poor diet, young people's teeth are not as strong or white as they should be because of things like drinking sodas along with not getting adequate calcium.

Tip #2 - Foods That Block Stains

Foods that maintain clean teeth are foods that entail chewing and crunching (ice excluded). Fruits and veggies like celery, apples and carrots clean teeth naturally while foods such as broccoli, lettuce and spinach prevent staining by creating a film on the teeth that acts like a barrier.
Of course, there are some good foods that will stain your teeth when you've eaten too much. What are these foods that stain teeth? These teeth staining foods will work on your smile before you realize it, so stay away from coffee, red wine, tea, and highly pigmented foods that include blueberries and cherries. But keep in mind, green tea, coffee, blueberries, and cherries can be good for you too. So, use good judgement and eat them only on occasion.
As a rule - stay away from anything that will stain a white-colored t-shirt as it will stain your teeth too.

Tip #3 - Don't Take Drugs

Ecstasy induces jaw clenching in users. A study found that 60 per cent of ecstasy users evaluated had worn down their teeth through the enamel and into the underlying dentine. Compared with only 11 per cent of those who don't use it. As for other drugs like cocaine rubbed on gums, it restricts blood flow, traumatizing the tissue and inhibiting nutrition of the gums. Remember gums keep teeth in position, so don't take drugs if you want white strong teeth that are intact.

Tip #4 - Quit Smoking (You Know it Stains Teeth)

Smoking tobacco causes staining of the teeth and bad smelling breath It also raises the risk of mouth cancer and gum disease because it constricts blood flow to the gums. As a matter of fact, quite a few gum professionals feel it's useless providing advanced treatment for gum disease in smokers, as there is hardly any chance for improvement.
It is said that smoking one pack of cigarettes a day for 10 years can cause a 10 per cent loss of bone support. Prolonged scientific tests show that nearly all tooth loss in 19 to 40 year olds is affiliated with smoking more than 15 cigarettes day after day.

#5 - Be wary of Bleaching

A professional whitening system may not harm teeth, but some OTC bleaches are so acidic, they can trigger surface loss and sensitivity. If you decide to use home teeth bleaching systems, be cautious.
You can also put the minerals back in your teeth by using a natural mouth wash consisting only of extra virgin coconut oil. Another natural remedy to help rebuild tooth enamel is by taking bugleweed.

Tip #6 - Stop Biting Nails

Chronic nail biting can damage more than cuticles. They can ruin their teeth at the same time. If you have vulnerable enamel, you end up with a vulnerable, dented, softer area in the center of the tooth. Now, the issue begins due to the fact that the denting is considerably softer than the enamel.
If that tooth is open to bad habits such as chewing nails, biting string in half, opening packages, or anything of the sort, the enamel will wear down. Usually, the middle part melts away much faster than the exterior and the brittle enamel is very exposed to chipping, which makes the teeth look uneven and unsightly.
Chips and cracks in teeth tend to yellow faster so keep your healthy teeth healthy and get white teeth by following the steps above.

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